Posted by d'ANgel | Posted in

1. The word “syntax” came originally from Greek and literaly meant ‘a setting out together’ or ‘arragement’.
2. Generative Grammar
a. This mathematical point of view helps to explain the meaning of the term generative, which is used to describe this type of grammar.
b. If you have algebraic expression like 3x+2y, and you can give x and y the value of any whole number. When x=5 and y=10 the result will follow directly from applying the explisit rules . If the sentences of a language can be seen as a comparable set, then there must be a set of explisit rules which yield the sentence.
3. Some Properties of The Grammar
a. A grammar of this type must have a number of properties, which can be described in the following term.
b. The grammar will have a finite number of rules, but will be capable of generating and infinite number off well-formed of stuctures.
c. The rules of this grammar will also need the crucial of recuntion.
d. Basically the grammar will have to capture the fact that sentence can have another sentence inside it, or phrase can have another phrase of the same type inside it.
4. Deep and Surface Structure
a. Different in superficial from disguises the fact that two sentences are very closely related, even i.dentical, at some less superficial level. This other underlying level, where the basic component shared by the two sentences would be represented has been callee thei deep stucture
5. Structural Ambiguity
a. Ambiguity in sentence.
e.q: Annie whacked a man with with an umbrella.
it has two underlying interpretation which would be represented differently in the deep stucture.
b. Ambiguity in phrase
e.q: Old men and women.
it has two underlying interpretation which would be represented differently in the deep stucture.
6. Different Approach
a. Almost everything involved in the analysis of generative grammar remains controversial. There continue to be many different approach among those who claim to analize language in the term of generative grammar, and many more among those who are critical of the whole system.

a. S = sentence
b. Pro = pronoun
c. PN = proper noun
d. Prep = prepositional
e. Art = article
f. V = verb
g. NP = noun phrase
h. VP = verb phrase
i. N = noun
j. Adv = adverb
k. -> = consist Of
l. Adj = adjective
m. PP = prepositional phrase
n. * = ungramatical sequence
o. ( ) = optional constituent
p. { } = one and only one of these constituent must be selected
8. possible to show the same sequence as, in a more explicit way,’hierarchically’ organized.
Art N Art N
[ The] [book] The book
9. is a set of rules which will change or move constituent in the stucture derived from the phrase structure rules.
(George helped Mary yesterday ) (Yesterday George helped Mary)